The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define the rights and obligations of the users in relation to the use of the NFT-based Coffee Takeout Service provided by our company.

NFT: Non-fungible tokens issued by our company.
Coffee Ticket: The takeout privilege for coffee granted through the NFT, applicable at participating establishments.
User: An individual who purchases the NFTs issued by our company and avails themselves of this Service.
The Service: The coffee takeout service provided by our company through NFTs and Coffee Tickets.

Use of NFT
1. Users shall manage and use the purchased NFTs in the manner specified by our company (on our website).
2. Connection to a Web3 wallet on the designated website is required for the use of NFTs. While our company implements certain security measures, we cannot compensate for damages arising from unforeseen circumstances.
3. Any damages caused by the mismanagement, loss, or theft of NFTs are the responsibility of the user, and our company shall bear no liability whatsoever.

Use of Coffee Ticket
1. The use of Coffee Tickets is restricted to the operating hours of the participating establishments.
2. Users must follow the instructions of the establishments to smoothly receive their orders.
3. There may be circumstances where it is difficult for the establishments to provide the service; however, our company will make the best efforts to avoid causing inconvenience to the user.

1. Our company shall operate the service with the care and attention of a prudent administrator and will bear certain responsibilities for damages incurred within this scope.
2. However, we are not responsible for damages resulting from matters beyond our control, such as communication failures or system malfunctions.

Amendment of Terms and Conditions
1. Our company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions without prior notification to the user.
2. The modified terms will be posted on our website and will take effect from that point.